Esprit S.F.

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Dico S.F. – Kardashev scale

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In 1964, the radio astronomer Nikolaï Kardashev created a scale to classify civilizations, formed with three categories, depending on the use of their resources:

  • kardashevType I: a “type I” civilization is able to use 100% of the available power of its planet, being about 1016 watts.
  • Type II: a “type II” civilization is able to use 100% of the available power of its star, being about 1026 watts.
  • Type III: a “type III” civilization is able to use 100% of the available power of its galaxy, being about 1037 watts.

To be humble, you might know that we, the human beings, belong to a “type 0” civilization 🙂

Updated: 6 April 2020 — 9 h 28 min
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